
We specialise in helping our clients CRUSH their health goals with our easy to follow superfood nutritional cleansing system. Our programme becomes a catalyst for healthy change, bringing happiness, vitality and confidence through a balanced and sustainable lifestyle. When you flood the body with the correct nutrition and direct focus towards health, food choices become simple and willpower is not required.

Nutrition is key to long-term health and we love watching our nutritional superfood system enhance the health of our clients. Whether you are looking for increased energy, to build lean muscle, improve sleep, for mental clarity or to release toxic fat, we will provide you with a tailored solution to help you crush your health goals. We provide online support and guidance and you will become part of our global community. We have regular presentations, meet ups, tasting parties and exciting events to keep you inspired and motivated.
Angela is a T30 Fitness Training Master Trainer for Fatburn Extreme (FBX) and GameFit. If you like HIIT training, you'll love FBX and GameFit!!! These maximal intensity, rest based workouts will help you increase speed, agility, strength and endurance and are suitable for all levels of participants. As there's no coordination necessary, you don't have to worry about left and right either! These sessions are fun and effective workouts which provide incredible results in minimum time.
Another HIIT training favourite is HIITStep. Angela is bringing this workout to Hong Kong and again, if you like HIIT, you'll love this. HIITStep is the latest in hiit training, set to incredibly energising music, you'll be using a step platform to help you take your training to the next level. Again, this workout can be modified to suit all levels of participants.


Before starting the system, I did think I ate quite well and knew how to manage by diet plan but this was with exercising. I contacted Angela and made it quite clear I would only need her help for one month until I could work out again...
I was only going to use the products for 30 days to give myself a kickstart, however, here I am over 2 years later and having just celebrated my 55th birthday, I'm feeling better than I ever have! Not only have I dropped several dress sizes...
SHARON / 2019
Over the next several years, I would lose weight only to put it back on. When I finally started my professional career, things became worse. Stress was handled by eating comfort food and I became bigger and bigger each year. By May 2017, I had reached over 250 pounds! My goal of being able to summit to Everest Base Camp by the time I turned 40 seemed like an impossible dream. Not only was a morbidly obese but my health was seriously debilitating my ability to function. I was becoming depressed and had very low energy. A stressful career and a hectic travel schedule only made things worse. It was becoming clear that if I continued down the same path, I was looking at a major heart attack, stroke, or something that would have rendered me permanently disabled or dead within 10 years. Time was a luxury that I just didn't have...
RYAN / 2019